Deleted Scenes

6. A Meeting at Gracchus' House continued
Lucilla, Gracchus and Gaius discuss the cost of the games on Rome's future...and what's to be done about Commodus.

Gaius gets up and he and Gracchus stand next to each and face Lucilla.

"Rome must know this."

Closeup of Lucilla.

"You should be more afraid of your activities during the day. The Senate is full of his spies."

Side closeup of Lucilla sitting and listening with Graccus seen stepping into the shot at the end.

"Led by that whoremaster, Falco. But what is in his mind?"

Closeup of Graccus still standing.

"That's what I trouble myself with. He spends all his days singularly obsessed planning the festival to honor your father. He neglects even the most fundamental tasks of government. So just what is he planning?"

Shot of Lucilla with Gracchus' lower half visible standing to the right.

Gaius (off-screen):
"And what is paying for it? These daily games are costing-"

Closeup of Gaius sitting as he continues speaking.

"A fortune. Yet we have no new taxes."

Closeup of Lucilla.

Lucilla (whispering at first):
"The future. The future pays for it. He's started selling the grain reserves."

Closeup of Gracchus reacting to the news. Lucilla steps into the shot as Gaius finishes speaking.

Gaius (off-screen):
"This can't be true."

Shot of Gaius looking up at Lucilla as she walks across the room in front of him.

"And how? He's going to dissolve the Senate. And who-"

Shot of Gaius and Gracchus from over Lucilla's shoulder as she continues.

Lucilla (continuing off-screen):
"will tell them before it's too late? You Gracchus? You Giaus?"

Closeup of Lucilla.

"Will you make a speech on the floor of the Senate denouncing my brother? And then see your family in the Coliseum?"

Rolling shot that follows Lucilla as she turns and walks to the opposite side of the room from Gaius and Gracchus, who can be seen standing in the background.

"Who'd dare?"

Closeup of the back of Lucilla's head with candles burning in the background.

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