Presidential Response by Date:
November 6, 2001 - November 12, 2001

7:10 A.M. EST - Remarks on Combatting Terrorism to the Warsaw Conference
11:44 A.M. EST - Photo Op with French President Jacques Chirac

1:52 P.M. EST - Announces Crackdown on Terrorist Financial Network
5:15 P.M. EST - Press Availability with United Kingdom Prime Minister Tony Blair
- Letter to Senate Leadership on "Armies of Compassion" Bill

5:25 P.M. EST - Remarks During Tour of CDC (Center for Disease Control)
8:03 P.M. EST - Address to the Nation on the War on Terrorism
- Summary of Today's Presidential Actions

11:35 A.M. EST - Press Availability with Indian Prime Minister Bihari Vajpayee
2:33 P.M. EST - Signs Guard and Reserve Proclamation
- Executive Order: Citizen Preparedness in War on Terrorism
- Joint Statement Between the U.S. and India
- Presidential Notice: Continuation of Emergency Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Emergency Recovery and Response Funding Transfer
- Continuation of Iran Emergency Beyond November 14, 2001

9:38 A.M. EST - Speech to the United Nations General Assembly
1:44 P.M. EST - Exchange of Toasts at UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's Luncheon
6:21 P.M. EST - Press Availability with Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf
- Weekly Radio Address
- Joint Statement with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf on his visit to New York

8:50 A.M. EST - Speaks at Veterans Day Prayer Breakfast

4:10 P.M. EST - Remarks on Plane Crash in New York at Photo Op with Nelson Mandela