in Meeting with Amir of Qatar
Amiri Diwan
Doha, Qatar
June 5, 2003
8:59 A.M. (Local)
THE AMIR: I would like to welcome His Excellency the President in Qatar. We
are delighted to have him here with us in Qatar. The President is the first
sitting U.S. President ever to visit Qatar. However, his father, President
Bush, was actually here in Qatar in 1960, but perhaps the President does not
remember -- he was young then. (Laughter.)
So we are delighted to continue our dialogue with the President and continue
the issues that we have discussed recently in Washington during my visit
regarding the bilateral relationship between the two countries.
THE PRESIDENT: Your Highness, thank you so much for your grand hospitality.
You have been a steadfast friend of the United States and for that we are
very grateful. You and your wife have been a leader in education reform and
reforms leading to freedom, and for that we are very grateful as well and
are impressed by your leadership. And it is my honor to be the first sitting
United States President to have visited this important country and I want
to thank you for your hospitality.