The Patriot Resource - American Revolution

Patriot Isaac Shelby
Isaac Shelby Born: December 11, 1750; Frederick County, Maryland
Died: July 18, 1826; Traveller's Rest, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Battles: King's Mountain

December 11 - Isaac Shelby born in Frederick County, Maryland.

- Isaac Shelby moves with his family to the Holston settlements.

- Isaac Shelby serves as a lieutenant in Lord Dunmore's War.
October 10 - Isaac Shelby is present at action at Point Pleasant.

- Isaac Shelby serves as second in command at Fort Blair until June.

July - Isaac Shelby is commissioned a Captain in the Virginia militia.

- Isaac Shelby is appointed commissary of supplies on the Virginia frontier.
July 20 - Isaac Shelby attends the Long Island Treaty at Fort Patrick Henry.

- Isaac Shelby is appointed commissary of supplies for the Continental Army in expeditions against the Northwest Indians.

- Isaac Shelby was elected to the Virginia Legislature from Washington County.
- Isaac Shelby is commissioned a Major by Virginia Governor Thomas Jefferson.

- Isaac Shelby is commissioned a Lieutenant by North Carolina Governor Caswell.
July 20 - Isaac Shelby captures Tory fortifications at the Pacelot River.
August 18 - Isaac Shelby shares command at Musgrove's Mill.
October 7 - Isaac Shelby shares command at the Battle of King's Mountain, North Carolina.

May - Isaac Shelby arrives at Augusta, Georgia in support of Elijah Clarke and Andrew Pickens.
- Isaac Shelby joins Francis Marion's force.
- Isaac Shelby is elected to the North Carolina Legislature.

- Isaac Shelby moves to the territory of Kentucky.

April - Isaac Shelby marries Susannah Hart.
- Isaac Shelby settles in Lincoln County and becomes county High Sheriff and surveyor.
- Isaac Shelby becomes one of the first trustees of the Transylvania Seminary.

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