About the Webmaster: Name: Scott Cummings College: Louisiana State University (LSU); Bachelor of Arts in English.
Though it was not his field of study in college, computers and the Internet
have become his main interest. He also enjoys reading and playing sports,
though a growing family have curbed both for the present. He now settles for
following major such as college basketball/football and auto racing on television.
He got his start on the web by maintaining a website for the LSU
Chemistry Department where he was the student webmaster. He also built three different personal sites from 1997-1999,
one of which (OtherWorld) has been converted and moved to this domain. After
viewing The Patriot in August 2000, he began working on The
Patriot Resource, which has now expanded to seven different sites
on fantasy, film, history, science fiction and writing.
In addition to his interests found here, he is an avid sports fan including
college football and basketball.