Mohamed Cherif Messadia, President of the Council of the Nation
September 12, 2001

To the Honorable Dick Cheney
United State Senate

Mr. President,

In these fateful times that your country is going through as a result of the barbaric terrorist aggressions targeting occupied buildings and in recognition of the enormity of this crime and of its impact on your people, I wish to express to you in my name and in that of the Members of the Council of the Nation, our heartfelt sympathy with you and with the American People as it confronts the painful consequences of this disaster.

We share your grief and your tragedy as you confront such lowly and despicable attacks and we pray for all the victims of this tragedy expressing our condolences to their families.

Mr. President, I pay tribute to the souls of all the victims of this abominable crime and reiterate to you, to the Members of the Senate and to the American people, the renewed expression of our sympathy.

I am convinced of your Great Country’s ability to alleviate the impact of this tragedy and to overcome this national disaster.

Please accept, Mr. President, the assurances of my highest consideration and esteem.

Mohamed Cherif Messadia
President of the Council of the Nation