Wednesday, September 12, 2001

@9:30 A.M. - State Department Briefing

10:06 A.M. - Congress back in session.

10:16 A.M. - Department of Defense Briefing

10:53 A.M. - President George W. Bush makes remarks following a National Security briefing.

12:37 P.M. - Midway Airlines suspends operations.

1:10 P.M. - American Airlines releases passenger lists.

2:22 P.M. - FAA allows diverted flights to fly to original destination.

2:30 P.M. - Briefing by Secretary of State Colin Powell

3:25 P.M. - Briefing by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld

4:05 P.M. - Briefing by White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer

5:20 P.M. - Statement by Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta says airports will remain closed until Thursday.

5:30 P.M. - Remaining portion of South World Trade Center (2 Tower) collapses.

5:53 P.M. - President George W. Bush makes remarks while visiting the Pentagon.

7:39 P.M. - A Prayer Vigil is held at the Capitol.