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Guidebook to the War of 1812
Guidebook to the Historic Sites of the War of 1812
Second Edition, Revised & Updated

by Gilbert Collins
Published by Dundurn Group
May 2006: Revised Edition

Description from Dundurn Group:
There have been guidebooks to military sites before, but no other book has covered the War of 1812 in its entirety. This well-illustrated updated edition covers more than 400 historic sites of the War of 1812, both well-known and obscure, in both Canada and the United States.

The author has used old pen and ink drawings from the last century to give a "then and now" feel to the book. Curious to know what is at the site of the Battle of Queenston Heights? Besides giving readers a detailed history of the events that occurred at the sites, the author describes what they have to offer visitors today, be it a historical plaque, historic house, or major interpretive centre.

This book is a handy tool for both travellers and historians. It remains the only book on the market offering a comprehensive guide to nearly all of the sites in our last war with the United States.

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