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Lost Season Two Episode Summaries
"Collision" (#208)
Locke's Crossword Puzzle:
  • The following clues for Down can be seen:
    • 36.
    • 37. Belgian port
    • 38. Robbed
    • 40. WWII movie feature: hyph. wd.
    • 42. Enkidu's friend
    • 43. Less brazen

31. its
37. group
41. log
42. ghare (wrong?)
47. siend (wrong?)
53. acolns (wrong?)
59. imgtative (wrong?)
63. laa
64. cicer[o]
73. epers (wrong?)
78. asids (wrong?)
84. paghr (wrong?)
86. tru
90. me
91. acurgy (wrong?)
97. alain
101. tense
104. edgar
26. ete
36. iona
37. ghent
38. ransacked
42. Gilgamesh
47. somas
48. covet
54. cilia
55. rices
60. tiers
69. spir
74. vaughan
78. age
79. brr
85. amore
86. tuner
91. aang (wrong?)
92. cisa (wrong?)
97. ate
  • Locke's answer to 42 Down is GILGAMESH, but SCRIPTURE appears to be a better fit (GILGAMESH/SCRIPTURE) with the answers around 42 Down.
    • Ghare - Share
    • sIend - sCend
    • acoLns - acoRns
    • imGtative - imItative
    • laA - laP
    • .isMskeet - .isTskeet
    • Epers - Upers
    • aSids - aRids
    • pagHr - pagEr
  • Also of note is that the answer for 91 Across (ALURGY) might be wrong because it doesn't fit with some of the answers around it. Also, LED is spelled out next to 97 Down, but not assigned a clue.
  • Locke answers that GILGAMESH is the friend of Enkidu, which fits with the mythology. However, as already mentioned, SCRIPTURE seems to be a better fit. The possibility is that Eko parallels Endiko especially since the crossword sequence precedes his arrival in the Hatch and meeting Locke.

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