I send greetings to everyone observing Easter this year. During this joyful
season of new life and renewal, Christians around the world celebrate the central
event of their faith -- the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, whom Christians believe
is the Messiah, the Son of God.
The life and teachings of Jesus have inspired people throughout the ages to
strive for a better world and a more meaningful life. Jesus' death stands out
in history as the perfect example of unconditional love.
The four Gospels of the Christian Bible recount Jesus' amazing life, his miraculous
death, resurrection, and ascension, and his unending offer of salvation to all.
The story of Jesus wondrous resurrection comes alive again for Christians each
year at Easter.
Easter Sunday commemorates in song and celebration the joy and promise of Christ's
triumph over evil and death.
Christians around the world gather together to sing well-loved hymns to God's
glory, remembering the signs and wonders of God's grace revealed in Jesus. And
they again will hear Gospel readings such as Saint Luke's rendering of that
first Easter morning when the Angel asked: "Why do you look for the living
among the dead? He is not here; He has risen!"
Easter's message of renewal is especially meaningful now during this challenging
time in our Nation's history. On September 11, 2001, America suffered devastating
In the wake of great evil, however, Americans responded with strength, compassion,
and generosity. As we fight to promote freedom around the world and to protect
innocent lives in America, we remember the call of the Battle Hymn of the Republic:
"As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free."
Laura joins me in sending best wishes for a wonderful Easter.