Primary Documents of the American Revolution:
A-to-Z Alphabetical Listing

John Adams' Presidential Inauguration Address - March 4, 1797
Address to the Assembly of Ireland - July 28, 1775
Address to the Assembly of Jamaica - July 25, 1775
Administration of Justice Act - May 20, 1774 (Part of Intolerable Acts)
Alien and Sedition Acts - June 25-July 14, 1798
Benedict Arnold's Letter to the Inhabitants of America - October 7, 1780
Articles of Association (The Non-Importation Agreement) - October 20, 1774
Articles of Capitulation - October 19, 1781
Articles of Confederation - November 15, 1777
Articles of War of the Continental Congress - June 30, 1775
Association of the Sons of Liberty in New York - December 15, 1773
Association of the Virginia Convention - August 1-6, 1774

Bill of Rights - March 4, 1789
Boston Massacre (Index) - Index (6 Documents)
Boston Massacre: Anonymous Account - March, 1770
Boston Massacre: Boston Gazette and County Journal Report - March 12, 1770
Boston Massacre: Captain Thomas Preston's Account - March 13, 1770
Boston Massacre Oration by John Hancock - March 5, 1774
Boston Massacre Oration by Dr. Joseph Warren - March 5, 1772
Boston Massacre Oration by Dr. Joseph Warren - March 6, 1775
Boston Non-Importation Agreement - August 1, 1768
Boston Port Bill - June 1, 1774 (Part of Intolerable Acts)
Boston Tea Party Eyewitness Account of George R. T. Hewes - December 16, 1773 (Recounted in 1833)
Boston Town Meeting Resolutions - September 13, 1768
Bunker Hill: British Account of Lieutenant J. Waller - June 22, 1775
Major General John Burgoyne's Proclamation - June 20, 1777

Charleston Non-Importation Agreement - July 22, 1769
Charlotte Town Resolves - March 31, 1775
Common Sense - January 10, 1776 (Published)
Conciliation with America Speech by Edmund Burke - March 22, 1775
Concord (Battle of) - See Lexington
Concord Town Meeting Resolution - October 21, 1776
Constitution of the United States - September 17, 1787
Constitution of Virginia - June 29, 1776
Continental Congress Articles of War - June 30, 1775
Continental Congress Instructions to George Washington - June 20, 1775
Continental Congress Letter to the Inhabitants of Canada - March 29, 1775
Currency Act - September 1, 1764

Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress - October 14, 1774
Declaration of the Causes - July 6, 1775
Declaration of Independence: Final Draft - July 4, 1776
Declaration of Independence: Jefferson's Draft - June 28, 1776
Declaration of Rights - October 6, 1765
Declaratory Act - March 18, 1766

Federalist Papers No. 10 - November 23, 1787

'Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death' Speech by Patrick Henry - March 23, 1775

Intolerable Acts - Index (5 Documents)

Jay's Treaty Between Great Britain and the Unted States - November 18, 1794
Jefferson's Draft of the Declaration of Independence - June 28, 1776
Thomas Jefferson's (First) Presidential Inaugural Address - March 4, 1801
John Paul Jones' Ranger Recruitment Handbill - July 1777
[Federal] Judiciary Act - September 23, 1789

Lexington and Concord: Reports of British Officers - Index (5 Documents)
Lexington and Concord: John Dickinson Letter to Arthur Lee - April 29, 1775
Lexington and Concord: General Thomas Gage's Orders to Lieutenant Colonel Smith, 10th Regiment 'Foot - April 18, 1775
Lexington and Concord: General Thomas Gage's Report in an Excerpt of a Letter to the Earl of Dartmouth - April 22, 1775
Lexington and Concord: Lord Percy's Report on the Retreat to General Thomas Gage - April 20, 1775
Lexington and Concord: Major John Pitcairn's Report to General Thomas Gage - April 26, 1775
Lexington and Concord: Paul Revere's Memorandum on the Events of April 18, 1775
Lexington and Concord: Lieutenant Colonel Smith's Report to General Thomas Gage - April 22, 1775 (Excerpt)

Massachusetts Assembly to Governor Francis Bernard - October 25, 1765
Massachusetts Assembly Resolves on the Stamp Act - October 29, 1765
Massachusetts Circular Letter to Colonial Legislatures - February 11, 1768
Massachusetts Government Act - May 20, 1774 (Part of Intolerable Acts)
Massachusetts Petition to the British House of Commons - November 3, 1764
Monmouth Courthouse: British Account of the Battle - July 4, 1778

New York Merchants Non-Importation Agreement - October 31, 1765
New York Petition to the British House of Commons - October 18, 1764
Northwest Ordinance - July 13, 1787

Olive Branch Petition - July 8, 1775

Pennsylvania Assembly Resolves on the Stamp Act - September 21, 1765
Pensacola: Major Robert Farmar's Journal of the Siege - March-May, 1781
Philadelphia Resolutions - October 13, 1773
Plan for Union by Joseph Galloway - September 28, 1774
Proclamation Act of 1763 - October 7, 1763
Proclamation by the King on Suppressing Rebellion and Sedition - August 23, 1775

Quartering Act of 1765 - May 15, 1765
Quartering Act of 1774 - June 2, 1774 (Part of Intolerable Acts)
Quebec Act - June 22, 1774 (Part of Intolerable Acts)

Rights of the Colonists - November 20, 1772

Saratoga Articles of Convention - October 16, 1777
Saratoga: Hessian Account of Defeat and Surrender of Burgoyne - October 18, 1777
Speech to the Six Nations - July 13, 1775
Stamp Act & Response (Index) - Index (5 Documents)
Stamp Act - March 22, 1765
Stamp Act Congress Resolutions - October 17, 1765
Stamp Act Speech by William Pitt - January 14, 1766
Suffolk Resolves - September 6, 1774
Sugar Act - April 5, 1764

Tea Act - May 10, 1773
Townshend Act - July 2, 1767
Treaty of Alliance with France - February 6, 1778 (Signed)
Treaty of Paris of 1763 - February 10, 1763
Treaty of Paris of 1783 - September 3, 1783 (Signed)
Treaty with the Delawares - September 17, 1778

Virginia Declaration of Rights - June 12, 1776
Virginia House of Burgesses Petition to the British House of Commons - December 18, 1764
Virginia Plan - May 29, 1787

George Washington's Commission as Command-in-Chief of the Continental Army - June 17, 1775
George Washington's Farewell Address - September 19, 1796
George Washington's (First) Presidential Inauguration Speech - April 30, 1789
George Washington's (Second) Presidential Inauguration Address - March 4, 1793
George Washington's Presidential Thanksgiving Proclamation - October 3, 1789
George Washington's (First) State of the Union Address - January 8, 1790
Waxhaws: Dr. Robert Brownfield's Letter Describing the Battle - May 29, 1780. (Recounted in 1821)

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