F/V Northwestern
Official Site of the F/V Northwestern
The F/V Northwestern Herself:
The F/V Northwestern is a 125-foot vessel. She was built at an original length of 108 feet in 1977 in Seattle, Washington by Marine Construction and Design Company (MARCO) for owner Sverre Hansen (Sig, Edgar and Norman's father). In 1987, she was lengthened to 118 feet. In 1991, she was lengthened to her current size of 125 feet. Her home port is Seattle, Washington.
The Captain - Sig Hansen:
Sig assumed the captaincy of the family-owned Northwestern in 1990 at age twenty-four.
Notable Crew:
Edgar Hansen: He's the youngest Hansen brother who serves as Deck Boss and now Engineer.
Norman Hansen: He's the middle Hansen brother, who took a break from fishing to go to college. He returned to the Northwestern and serves as a deck hand.
Matt Bradley: He's a friend of Edgar's, who has had personal troubles, but been given the opportunity to work by the Hansen brothers.
Nick Mavar, Jr: He's a veteran deckhand on the Northwestern.
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