F/V Time Bandit
Official Site of the F/V Time Bandit
The F/V Time Bandit Herself:
The F/V Time Bandit is a 113-foot vessel. She was built in 1991. She was designed by Andy and Johnathan's father and custom-built by the Hillstrands themselves. The Time Bandit includes such unusual amenities for a crat boat such as queen-size beds, a four-person sauna and a dishwasher.
Captain Andy Hillstrand:
Andy acts as captain during the Opilio crab season and often works as a deckhand during the Red (King) Crab season. When he's not fishing, he's back home on his ranch in Indiana raising horses.
Captain Johnathan Hillstrand:
Johnathan acts as captain during the Red (King) Crab season and works on deck during the opilio crab season.
Notable Crew:
Neal Hillstrand: He's the youngest of the three brothers. He's responsible for prepping the boat before the season and serves as a deckhand and cook.
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