The Patriot Resource - The Patriot

Dan Scott Dan Scott

Portrayed by: Donal Logue

Dan Scott is a resident of the village Pembroke. When Gabriel Martin interrupts Sunday morning service to plead for militia volunteers, Dan Scott expresses reluctance. His comments spur Anne Howard to speak and chastise him for his sudden lack of courage after speaking in favor of the Patriot cause in more private circles only a week before. After several other men stand to volunteer, Dan Scott also volunteers.

Dan Scott shows a racist streak when he meets Occam, who is a black slave fighting in his master's place. He along with the Reverend Oliver and the other farmers shows shock and dismay at the cruelty from Benjamin Martin and his veteran Indian fighters towards the British soldiers. Dan Scott later again scoffs at Occam's inability to read and even disgust when he reads for Occam that General George Washington will give slaves their freedom after serving in the army for a year. However, just before the final battle, Dan Scott mends his ways and tells Occam that he's been honored to serve along side him. Scott's sudden change of heart can only be chalked up to new respect for Occam who stays to fight past the term that Occam had to fight.

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