The Patriot Resource - Lost

Battlestar Galactica Spoilers
Last Updated: 3/19/10
Caprica Spoilers
Last Updated: 3/25/10
Chuck Spoilers
Last Updated: 11/10/11
Heroes Spoilers
Last Updated: 2/25/09

Episode 606 Spoilers: Sundown; "Sayid-centric"; March 2, 2010
2/21/10: In the alternate timeline, Sayid and Nadia end up St. Sebastian Hospital with Jack. From Ryan in Hawaii
2/21/10: Sayid meets Nadia. Sayid later puts a young blonde girl on a schoolbus. Omar drives past Sayid/Nadia's house. From The Transmission
2/21/10: Sayid is faced with a difficult decision, and Claire sends a warning to the temple inhabitants. From ABC Official Press Release
2/21/10: Dogen, Lennon, Cindy, Zach and Emma appear. Keamy, Omar and Nadia appear. Also appearing are Omer, Eva, Sam, doctor, cabbie and 'screaming Other'. From ABC Official Press Release [Keamy, Omar and Nadia would be the latest supporting characters to pop up in the alternate timeline.]
2/16/10: Guest characters: HABIB - Middle Eastern, male, late 30s to early 40s. He's stoic but a little soft around the edges. A father and family man. Tries his best to be intimidating but can't quite pull it off. Gets in well over his head and pays the price for it. GUEST STAR; ROY - Any age, any ethnicity. He's a professional mid-level tough guy who is courteous and reserved because of the powerful interests he represents. Helps motivate a client to make his payments. NICE CO-STAR; SAM - Middle Eastern, 9. Raised in America and has no accent. Typical boy: smart, eager, ready to tackle anything and watches out for his little sister. Happy to see an unexpected visitor but sad he can't stay longer. CO-STAR; EVA - Middle Eastern, 6. Raised in America and has no accent. Shy and not as willing to plunge into new situations as her brother. Happy to see an unexpected visitor but sad he can't stay longer. CO-STAR. From Casting Calls

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