The Patriot Resource - The Lord of the Rings

Arwen Evenstar

Portrayed by: Liv Tyler

Appears in:
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King

Middle Earth locales visited by Arwen in The Lord of the Rings:

In The Fellowship of the Ring:
In the North:
- Troll Camp
- East Road
- Ford of Bruinen

- Shards of Narsil


In The Two Towers:


In The Return of the King:

- Minas Tirith


Arwen finds Aragorn and the Hobbits near the Troll Camp. She bears Frodo along the East Road to the Ford of Bruinen. At Rivendell, she has several scenes with both Aragorn and her father, Elrond. She finally journeys to Minas Tirith to wed Aragorn, who has been crowned King of Gondor.

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