The Patriot Resource - The Patriot

The Patriot DVD Extras: Deleted Scene Screenshots

6. "Wait for My Order" (:55)
The scene picks up with Benjamin Martin carrying Gabriel's flag as he rides up along side Colonel Burwell and Major Villeneuve. It extends that scene and then switches to a scene between General Cornwallis and Colonel Tavington.

Screenshot #1:
Scene 6 - Pic 1

This is an extension of the scene where Benjamin Martin has shaken off Gabriel's death and is riding up carrying Gabriel's flag to join Colonel Burwell, Major Villeneuve and the militia. It shows two long lines (there is another line barely visible on the far upper right) of men marching toward the white tents in the distance.

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Screenshot #2:
Scene 6 - Pic 2

The sequence switches to the inside of a spartan tent where Colonel Tavington is sitting on a cot receiving medical attention for the wound that Gabriel gave him during their final duel. In this shot he is looking past the camera to where General Cornwallis is off-camera after entering the tent and addressing Tavington.

Screenshot #3:
Scene 6 - Pic 3

General Cornwallis tells Colonel Tavington that he will miss him on the battlefield tomorrow. Tavington is at a loss as to why he wouldn't be on the field and Cornwallis indicates that it would be because of Tavington's injury.

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