The Patriot Resource - The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings Middle Earth Places: Golden Hall of Edoras

Golden Hall

Golden Hall:
- Appears in The Two Towers and The Return of the King
- Home to King Théoden
- Also known as Meduseld

In The Two Towers:
The Golden Hall sits on the highest point in Edoras. In recent years, the Golden Hall has become an unhappy place as King Théoden has fallen under Saruman's spell because of the work of his advisor Gríma Wormtongue. It has become dark and unwelcoming as well as populated by Gríma's thugs. Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas arrive with Gandalf. Gandalf breaks Saruman's spell and King Théoden banishes Gríma from the Hall. These events begin to bring the hall and all of Edoras back to life. The King then orders the hall and the city evacuated to Helm's Deep.

In The Return of the King:
The Rohirrim return to Edoras after the victory at Helm's Deep and celebrate in the Golden Hall. Gimli and Legolas have a humorous drinking contest (Legolas wins). It is outside the Golden Hall that Aragorn sees that the Beacons of Gondor have been lit. Inside, he has to convince King Théoden to ride to Gondor's aid. Just before the Rohirrim ride for Dunharrow, Merry pledges his service to Théoden.

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