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Battlestar Galactica Season 3 Finale Speculation:
Thanks to "She Good" over at for passing this along. Good TV's Blog

Material on this page is based on rumor. Although the source is very detailed and vouched for by "She Good," TPR is still treating it as rumor at least until part one of the finale airs. Until then, we consider it COMPLETELY UNCONFIRMED and likely to be taken with a grain of salt.

See Part 1 for rumors about the trial. Here are the other rumors by storyline.

The Visions:
Again, this storyline is described much as mandigirl described it. However, it's apparently broken into several pieces in several dreams that make up the total vision of Athena and Roslin chasing Hera toward the doorway of white light only to be beaten by Six who with Baltar takes Hera in to the Final Five chamber to find them looking down from the balcony above. Athena and Roslin confront Caprica Six, who can't believe that it's possible, but agrees that they are all having the same dream.

TPR COMMENTS: Now we know that it's Caprica Six, but it's not clear which Baltar is with Six: Baltar or her Inner Baltar? It's basically a tease again of Hera being the shape of things to come, but now Roslin has been added to mix somehow.


The Four "Cylons":
The story bits about the four who believe they are Cylons are described basically the same as mandigirl with one very notable addition. After they congregate together in a launch tube and resign themselves to the notion of being Cylons, Adama sounds Battle Stations. Tigh steps up and says that he's going to be what he has always been. He heads for CIC and rejoins Adama. Tyrol and Sam head to the hangar deck and Tory heads back to Roslin.

TPR COMMENTS: If anything, this brings even more ambiguity to the identity of Anders, Tigh, Tyrol and Tory. If they had programming "switched on," then one would presume that they would switch loyalties. However, in the face of a Cylon attack, they appear to be ready to continue fighting the Cylons. Who knows which direction the writers take this. Maybe it was all just a maddening experiment in sleep deprivation.


The Cylons are back:
The fleet is seven jumps from the nebula and another clue to Earth when they find out that the Cylons have been following them. Tigh finds out from Caprica Six that the Cylons are able to track the tylium refinery ship. During the trial, the rest of the Galactica crew continues to jump toward the nebula and lose the Cylons. Not long after the trial is over, the Cylons finally attack. During the scamble to Condition One, the entire fleet loses power. When it comes back on, the Cylons are on top of the fleet, which has no chance to jump away. Adama has no choice but to call everyone to Battle Stations.

TPR COMMENTS: Here's a story thread that is noticeably absent from Mandigirl's description, but it's good to see the Cylons are back on the fleet's tail. One question: who was in command during the trial? Adama was serving as a judge. Tigh was basically incapacitated by the music and being drunk. Kelly (third in command) is presumably still locked up. Lee (fourth in command) basically quit to play lawyer, which would seem to leave Helo in command. Sure seems like another potential storyline to explore in Season 4. Or not.


After the Cylons started attacking, Lee forgot all about quitting the military and headed for his Viper. Once out in space, an unknown dradis contact draws his attention. He goes to investigate it and finds Kara flying in her Viper. She looks happy and relaxed. "Don't worry, Lee," she says, "it's really me. I've been to Earth. I know the way. I'll take us there."

TPR COMMENTS: Here's a story thread that is noticably absent from Mandigirl's description, but it's good to see the Cylons are back on the fleet's tail. One question: who was in command during the trial? Adama was serving as a judge. Tigh was basically incapacitated by the music. Kelly (third in command) is presumably locked up. Lee (fourth in command) basically quit to play lawyer, which would seem to leave Helo in command. Sure seems like another potential storyline to explore in Season 4.


Interesting Bits:
1. Anders is in flight training and Seelix seems to be taking an interest.
TPR COMMENTS: Nice to see Anders given something to do, but will he stick with it now that he thinks he's a Cylon? He's got to be doing something since he's going to be a regular next season. Seelix was teased as being interested in Tyrol and that wasn't really true. Will this "romance" be for real? We're not betting on it.

2. Almost as soon as the trial is over, Baltar is ditched by Lampkin and Lee. His freedom quickly becomes daunting on Galactica, then he's kidnapped by his groupies and spirited away to safety.
TPR COMMENTS: The preview of the cultish scene sets this up. We figure Baltar will again be a prisoner, but this time to the cult, although this could set up a split within the fleet.

3. Anders and Tory bump into each other in the unisex bathroom during a trial recess when they both are already in rough shape because of the music.. They then start pawing at each other and even continue after the music comes back and they realize that they both hear it. They are interrupted and Seelix apparenlty is lurking nearby when Anders walks out.
TPR COMMENTS: Apparently, the scene is a bit surreal where it's not clear if Tory and Anders have been carrying on a while, or even realize what they are doing. And again, Seelix seems to be circling around Anders. Nice for him to have the possibility of another love interest, but just don't suck him into another soap opera storyline.

TPR FNIAL COMMENTS: If this is the finale, then we almost wish we hadn't been spoiled because this has more twists and cliffhangers than the Season 1 and Season 2 finales combined. This description not only confirmed much of what mandigirl described, but was so thorough that it's much harder to be skeptical. The differences between this and mandigirl's summary pointed out that there are several ambiguous moments open to debate. More fodder for the endless discussion that will go on during the nine month wait until Season 4's premier in January 2008.

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